Naltrexone implant uk patient and heroin detoxification treatment
Ivan: Where you came from?
Patient: Dublin.
Ivan: From Dublin … and you find us?
Patient: Trough the internet.
Ivan: It was easy to find us?
Patient: Yeah, It was lot easier than … more than England than, couldn’t find any in England, I found one here.
Ivan: Ok. How long you have problem and what kind of problem?
Patient: I have problem for 18 month to 2 years.
Ivan: It was something else you have before that? And what are you using?
Patient: I use heroin and benzodiazepine
Ivan: And you came by …?
Patient: I came here … I flew here.
Ivan: By plane?
Patient: Yeah … by plane.
Ivan: And someone came for you, yeah?
Patient: Yeah, I got picked up at the airport … he’s a taxi driver.
Ivan: And how was in the hospital?
Patient: It was good … good treatment … painless.
Ivan: Painless treatment … without pain?
Patient: Yes, without pain … yeah.
Ivan: And you pass through everything?
Patient: Yeah … good … I have the implant and that’s good.
Ivan: It is easy to find implant in UK?
Patient: No.
Ivan: So it’s very difficult?
Patient: Yeah … It was lot easier to find you to me.
Ivan: So … you go home?
Patient: Yeah … I go home tomorrow.
Ivan: And you will come for check in?
Patient: In 3 months
Pacijent: Da, za 3 meseca.
Ivan: In 3 months … because you have … implant?
Patient: Implant, yeah.
Ivan: Thank you.
In our naltrexone implant hospital we had patients from all over the world: UK, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen, London, Ireland, Dublin, Belfast, Cardiff, Birmingham, Leeds, Sheffield, Bradford, Manchester, Liverpool, Bristol, ingston, Plymouth, Wolverhampton, Stoke, Derby, England, Europe, France, Italy, Germany, Norway...
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